Saturday, July 4, 2015

Sugaring Wax

Okay, so I officially refuse to allow anyone else to do my eye brows until they are back to normal from a disastrous eye brow threading at the mall! 

I used to over tweeze them when I was younger and I ended up looking like the grinch who stole Christmas! Thanks to my friends that didn't love me enough to tell me I was all jacked up by the way. Besides that, it too forever for me to grow them back to normal. 

I found that sugar waxing is a lot easier for me to control. With endless brow tutorials, I learned how to do it myself. The way I like it. 

This DIY sugaring wax is natural, and gentle on the skin. Can be used anywhere on the body. You can use wax strips to remove the hair, cloth or simply apply enough while it's tacky and pull the end of the cooled wax and it'll wax the brow as well. 

Ingredients to make sugaring wax:
Lemon (1/4 cup)
Water (1/4 cup)
Sugar  (1 cup)

Place lemon juice into pot, follow up with  the water. Pour sugar and mix. Allow mixture to boil until a honey brown color.
Pour into a jar and allow to cool BEFORE you place it on the body! Please for the love of life DO NOT USE WHILE SUPER HOT. 


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